4 Major Reasons Why “El Daheeh’s” Palestine’s Video Hit 12 Million in 7 Days!

4 Major Reasons Why “El Daheeh’s” Palestine’s Video Hit 12 Million in 7 Days! Writer: Rania Yasser Instagram Facebook Editor: Mahmoud Mansi Facebook Instagram Linkedin Our beloved and renowned Ahmed El Ghandour, aka El Daheeh, nailed it with his episode “The Story of Palestine”, telling the whole story with details that some of us weren’t […]

Q&A with “The Swimmers” Star: Actress Manal Issa

INTERVIEWEE | Actress Manal Issa Journalist: Nada Ashraf Ramzy Facebook Instagram Editor: Mahmoud Mansi Facebook Instagram Linkedin Few months ago, “The Swimmers” film was screened on Netflix, directed by Sally El Hosaini, starring the Lebanese actress Manal Issa, and her sister Nathalie Issa, who played the roles of the Syrian swimmers Sarah and Yusra Mardini, […]